Ginga no Shizuku

Ginga no Shizuku

With a father of great "taste" and a mother of great "resistance," the breeder took about 10 years to produced "Ginga no Shizuku" that is determined to be the best rice.
It received the "Special A" (the highest) title for the Rice Taste Ranking for the first time as an originally produced variety developed in Iwate.

Key points

clear grains

Each grain is so white almost see-through and shines. Beautiful rice with equal size.

The taste ramins the same even when it turns cold.

With a nice chewy texture, the sweatness that every bite creats as well as adequate moisture remain even when it is cooled.

Good for various cooking methods

Its refreshing flavor is good to eat alone, cooked in Japanese style or western, packed in a bento box, made into Onigira, and much more.

A sense of
light presense

Each grain is large and a consistent size, coupled with a pleasant moist texture, that remains in every bite.

Good Taste DATA

White color of rice(Iwate Agricultural Research Center Color Evaluation)

White color of rice
(Iwate Agricultural Research Center Color Evaluation)

*1 Analysis done by MINOLTA Chroma Meter CR-310, having Akitakomachi as the standard value. The larger the value, the whiter the cooked rice.
*2 Average value of a Taste Sensory Test. Seven evaluation levels: from -3 to 3.
The larger the value, the whiter the cooked rice.

Taste Evaluation at different temperatures

Taste Evaluation at different temperatures

*1 Average value of an evaluation given by 23 women served cooked rice in the Tokyo Metropolitan area
*2 Evaluation points 5(Very good),4(good),3(undecisive),2(not good),1(not good at all)

Rice Master Taste Evaluation

Rice Master Taste Evaluation

*1 A questionnaire was given to five star rice masters in the Tokyo Metropolitan area in October 2016:
*2 Evaluation points 
5(Very good),4(good),3(undecisive),2(not good),1(not good at all)

Translucently white
with a light texture

Ginga no Shizuku

Equipped with both a "delicious" taste and a "resistence" to cold weather and disease, it is an original Iwate variety. Grains are very white when cooked with a good balance between stickiness and firmness; the sweet taste fills one's mouth with each mouthful. The Japan Grain Inspection Association recognized its taste and gave it the highest ranking, "Special A."

This rice is good for dishes with a strong flavor as well as soupy dishes such as Ochazuke.

銀河のしずく 系譜図